Day 5 ... still going ... also posting a day late

Day 5 is a so so day not happy, not sad just kinda there...

Today's tip is... MINTS !!!!
I know this may seem silly and like I'm just trying to come up with something in a hurry but thats not the case. Like I mentioned before I've been watching The Biggest Loser and one of their sponsors is Extra sugar free gum. They are constantly plugging it on the show which is getting annoying. But it does seem to work ok at keeping my mouth busy and giving me a little bit of sweet. On she suggests brushing your teeth every time you eat cause it is so yucky to snack or drink with that minty taste in your mouth. I like that idea better but I have really thin enamel and sensitive teeth so that option was painful. But I found a happy middle ground, sugar free mints. Icebreakers are my favorites cause they are strong. They have the same few calories as the gum and same minty fresh feeling in your mouth as the tooth brushing. It has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with my boredom grazing!!!

Normally today would have been hard not to emotionally eat with Justin leaving out again so I am VERY glad I got on that scale yesterday. Seeing that 4 pound drop was exciting enough to keep me in check. Also knowing that I have 6 weeks til he gets home again and I can look so much better than I do now when he gets back. That is the whole reason I started when I did so it's a help to see that I'm already making progress in such a short time. Imagine what I can do in 6 weeks.

SO "the skinny" for today is...
I don't do formal exercise on the weekend. Just whatever I get cleaning and playing with my kids. It gives my muscles a little recovery time. But today Andrew and I played outside and we washed the car which took MAJOR scrubbing and "elbow grease".

Breakfast: Peanut butter toast, grapefruit 360
AM Snack: Granola bar 120
Lunch: tuna sandwich and a salad 305
PM Snack: pretzels 130
Supper: Beer batter chicken and cheese fries 780
Dessert: low fat ice cream 120
Daily total 1,815

That wraps up day 5

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shannon said...

Glad to see you are still going strong!!! That weight loss is amazing! Keep it up!!! I can't wait to see the difference at Easter, I know you will have accomplished a lot in 2 weeks!

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said...

Keep up the good work! The mints work for Sarah too!

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I plan to blog about my quest to find and let out the skinny girl I used to be. I will also share tips I find along the way as well as facts and helpful hints I already know and need to start using.

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I am a WAHM (work at home mom) to 3 boys! Our family also includes a crazy kitten named Yoshi. I am a nanny 5-6 days a week to 2 children. I love to paint both art and walls. Basically I just LOVE to see how creative I can be !! It does not always work out/turn out exactly the way I planned but I believe thats part of the fun. I love to decorate and rearrange my house a lot and strive to keep it functionally organizational. These things do not always work out either. So my house and life are usually messy, frequently changing, always busy and noisy but also full of love !! I'll be blogging on many topics being a mommy, organizing, crafting, redecorating. If it's crafty, thrifty and /or family friendly it will probably be here somewhere !!


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