Whats goin on ...

So here's how things are gonna go... (for now things may change as I go if I find something that works better. I am working around the schedule of 3 kids. :o) )

I will blog every evening and each day's entry should have 3 parts.
1. A tip I find that day or maybe something I already knew but used that day. Just some helpful info of some kind.
2. A journal about my day... if I found it hard to workout and why, if I had cravings and if I caved or not. :o)
3. My log of food and exercise... so calories eaten and burned.

After this Friday will be my "Weigh Day" and will have a special paragraph about that.

Also I have an incredible advantage... My younger sister is a dietician and is a tremendous help with my diet especially since i am breastfeeding and want to lose safely. She might occasionally on the weekend post a quick helpful blurb on diet so watch for that !!!

Now here's a little "about me" and why I'm doing this.
I was always thin growing up but then... I went thru 4 pregnancies and I definitely ate for 2 with each one. Okay I ate for 3 or 4 :o)And I never lost much inbetween pregnancies. My third pregnancy we lost the baby at 36 weeks and I'm an emotional eater so I "ate" my feelings away constantly. And the pounds kept piling on. Now I'm at a place where I don't plan on any more babies any time soon, if ever, so I'm ready to get all this weight off and let the skinny me back out !!!
Also my extra incentive to start now and stick with it is my husband (who loves me just like I am no matter what) has left out on the road to be a truck driver. He will be gone a 6 week stretch this first run and I want to see how much I can lose while he's away and surprise him when he comes home !

I will start posting this evening. So here goes...

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shannon said...

wow I love your layout!! so proud of you for starting this! Can't wait to see your results...I know they will be amazing!

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said...

yay Steph!!! I was expecting a "cabinet redo" post! lol Proud of you...love you, Mom

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I plan to blog about my quest to find and let out the skinny girl I used to be. I will also share tips I find along the way as well as facts and helpful hints I already know and need to start using.

About Me

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I am a WAHM (work at home mom) to 3 boys! Our family also includes a crazy kitten named Yoshi. I am a nanny 5-6 days a week to 2 children. I love to paint both art and walls. Basically I just LOVE to see how creative I can be !! It does not always work out/turn out exactly the way I planned but I believe thats part of the fun. I love to decorate and rearrange my house a lot and strive to keep it functionally organizational. These things do not always work out either. So my house and life are usually messy, frequently changing, always busy and noisy but also full of love !! I'll be blogging on many topics being a mommy, organizing, crafting, redecorating. If it's crafty, thrifty and /or family friendly it will probably be here somewhere !!


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